June 17

Sloaner and I woke up at 4:30 to drive back from the beach on Friday.  She had a dinner to attend, and I had a wedding.

Ashden and Sokol were married at Kimball Hall on my parent’s anniversary.  The rain stopped right before the ceremony, so they were still able to have it outside.

Too bad I didn’t take any pictures outside, but it was beautiful with everything in bloom.  It is hydrangea season!

The centerpieces were just gorgeous!

They decorated the room perfectly

I like the chairs they had.  I know this is weird, but I’m not a fan of the covers on chairs for weddings.  These are nice and simple.  I really like the ones that have the bars going down the back of them.  You know the kind.  They’re usually gold.

The happy couple

And me with them!
Fun night, even if the best man did make fun of actuaries in his speech!

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